Allgemeine Geschäftsbedingungen


This website is used by Mecon. Auf der Gesamten Website beziehen sich die Begriffe "wir", "uns" und "unser" auf Mecon. I have access to information, tools and services, such as the website, all the information on the website, information, tools and services, and information available here.

In this website you can look at your website and read more about our purchases, see our website for "Service" information and understand the facts, and follow all general Geschäftsbedingungen ("Useful Bedingungen", "Bedingungen") as a result of the clear meaning of these Bedingungen and Guidelines, please refer to this information and/or refer to the above hyperlink. These Useful Conditions apply to all users of the website, without any description of the use of the website, which browser, purchasers, customers, purchasers and/or customers have to use.

Please read these useful information carefully, be sure to check out our website for further information. Please read the instructions on how to understand the useful aspects of the website. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions regarding your understanding of this website. If these Nutzungsbedingungen were changed, the Annahme is also described on these Nutzungsbedingungen.

All new functions or tools, which are present in the current store, are affected by their useful functions. You can see the current version of the current requirements at the end of the day. If you wish to do so, we will be happy to update your plans and make changes to them, including your updates and updates on our website. It is in my opinion that this is the next page for additional information. It is important to ensure that your health benefits are protected from the website and that the additional benefits will apply.

User Shop is made by Shopify Inc. hosted. See our online e-commerce platform for product development, which is easy to purchase, our products and services for sale


You are happy with your daily life, you are happy in your federal state or your province, you are fully satisfied since you live in your country, I have fewer questions about their needs. dürfen diese Website useful. They are not responsible for the use of products, nor are they responsible for the use of illegal products, nor are they responsible for the use of the services given their legal obligations. Sie dürfen keine Würmer, Viren oder Codes zerstörerischer Natur übertragen. A request for support is provided by the customer for the comfort of their services.


We respect our rights, the service we receive and our customers who refuse to do so. You can view the information provided by the information provided by the credit card information: (a) additional information about the network; and (b) changes in the technical connections between networks and networks. Kreditkarteninformationen bei der Übertragung über Netzwerke immerschlüsselt. Please understand that you have understood the information you have obtained from the information provided by our services, which is useful for the services provided by the service provided by the service provided by the website, which can be reproduced, duplicated, copied, you will buy, you will have to buy more than you would like. Those in which their interpretation is spoiled by other writings, they are also subject to other changes.


We have not been responsible for this information since the website has not been updated properly. The material on the website serves as general information and is not the only basis for receiving information, but is primarily intended to be fully updated and updated with information. Jegliches Vertrauen in das Material auf dieser Website inherited from your own Risk. This website can provide useful historical information. Historical information has not been updated and has been updated as references for verification. If you wish to do so, please keep the website updated, since you are not obliged to provide information on the website. If you understand your own understanding, you can read more about this website and view it later. The basis of the tattoo, which ensures that professional photography is spoiled, bestows the flexibility of a consumption of 20 to 30% of the photo in the real product. In spite of the fact that Allgemeinen Geschäftsbedingungen akzeptieren, acknowledge that this is possible.


The prices for our products could be exchanged for further information. We respect our rights, the service (including the contents of the matter) and the quality of our services. We have not yet received any additional information for additional information, additional costs, additional information or services.


Best products or services can be viewed online over the website. These products or services could be limited in their functionality and could be used to provide additional solutions for future use. We have all the products in mind, the colors and images of our products, which are available in the shop, so you can buy them. We cannot guarantee that the results of the computer monitors are correct. We are aware of the legal nature of the matter, since there is no obligation to pay for the products or services of a person, a geographical region or a specific orientation. We can accept the rights of Fall to Fall. We are concerned about the right to limit the mixing of our existing products or services. All Product Descriptions or Product Prices could be submitted without further notice. We are committed to the right of your product, your product at the same time. Your information for a product or service that is available on the website is closed, is currently prohibited, and is prohibited. We are also happy to provide information about the quality of products, services, information and other materials that you can obtain from your products, information and services about the services you provide.


We believe that we are entitled to justice, that we are satisfied, that we are satisfied. We can also accept personal messages that are pro-personal, pro-houshalt or pro-order purchasing, mixing limits or cancellations. These Einschränkungen können Bestellungen umfassen, die von under demselben Kondento, derselben Kreditkarte und/oder Bestellungen with derselben Rechnungs- und/oder Lieferadresse aufgegeben. After the fall, we would like to send you an additional order or request a refund, so you can contact us, in which case we will send you an email address and/or receive a return address/telephone number, which will be sent to you at the time of your order. We are concerned about the legality of the purchase orders and the purchase price, which after all the trades, purchases or distributors will be made.

You can understand your current understanding, current, full status and informed purchase and information for everything in our online shop. Please clarify your information, your contact details and other information, your email address and your credit card numbers, as well as your information and updates, and you will be able to confirm your transactions.

Weitere Informationen finden Sie in unseren Rückgabebedingungen.


We can use the Tools from the available tools, so we can use them for further control and further control. If you recognize and understand your own understanding, you will need to know how to use the tools "who are using" and "who are ready" because of the warranties, the terms and conditions of your products and the terms of your billing requirements. We can also take care of it, which can also be used in the future with the use of optional tools available in use. Your use of optional tools, which have been created on this website, will be followed by your own risk and your own knowledge, and you will be able to use them according to your requirements, and you will find these tools available on your website. n) were prepared. We can also provide new services and/or functions on the website (einschließlich der Veröffentlichung new Tools and Resources). Solche neuen Funktionen und/oder Dienste unterliegen ebenfallen diesen Nutzungsbedingungen.


Bestimmte Inhalte, Produkte und Dienstleistungen, die über unseren Service verügbar sind, können Materialien von Drittanbietern enthalten. Links von Drittanbietern auf dieser Website können Sie auf Websites von Drittanbietern weiterleiten, die nicht mit uns versunden since. Since we have not been responsible for the contents of the quality of our products, we have not received any additional warranty and since we have not accepted the responsibility for the materials or the websites, the products or the services provided by the customers. in connection with the purchase or use of goods, services, resources, inputs or other transactions, which were included in the connection with websites Dritter. Read about the guidelines and practices of this approach so that you can understand and understand what you are doing, so that you can complete the transaction. Beschwerden, Ansprüche, Denken oder Fragen zu Producten von Drittanbietern sollten an de Drittanbieter gerichtet.


Wenn Sie auf unsere Aufforderung hin bestimmte spezifische Beiträge (z. B. Wettbewerbsbeiträge) einreichen or kreative Ideas, Vorschläge, Vorschläge, Plane or other Materialien send, sei es online, by E-Mail, by Post or other Weise (sammenfassend as " Kommentare" bezeichnet), erklären Sie ich damit eeninverstanden, dat wir Kommentare, die Sie uns übermitteln, jederzeit und ohne Einschränkung bearbeiten können, Copiers, Veröffentlichen, Verteilen, Übersetzen and other Weitige Verwendung in your Medium. We have not yet been asked to do so, (1) Comments regarding treatment; (2) eine Entschädigung für Kommentare zahlen; oder (3) with comments for answers. Since we are not obliged to do so, we are more than willing to bear the brunt of our entfernen, which we will always accept as legal, policy-oriented, misleading, diffi- cult, pornographic, obsolete or otherwise strangely perceived or given that our own party is a part of this life. Nutzungsbedingungen verstoßen. Please understand that your understanding is clear, that I have commented on your legal rights, legal legal rights, legal rights, legal rights, data protection rights, personal rights or other personal rights. Please understand your current understanding, the comments regarding other legal information, policies regarding material areas, computer viruses or other malware components, which could be used by the Services or other related areas of the website. If you choose to receive a false E-Mail address, you may not be able to find out more about your comments. You are solely responsible for all your comments and comments. We have also received some feedback and some feedback for comments that have been made clear by the comments.


Ihre Übermittlung personsbezogener Daten über den Shop unterliegt unserer Datenschutzrichtlinie. Sehen Sie ich unsere Datenschutzerklärung an.


It is possible to use the website or use the service information to view the typographical information, information or information available, which can be viewed on the product descriptions, prices, product descriptions, annotations, product descriptions, product descriptions and shipping information. We are happy to inform you about this, information, information about your requests and further information about your updates about your orders and requests for information about the service or your information ufgegeben haben ). We are obliged to provide you with additional information on the website, including updated information, additional information, additional information, and further information. No additional information about the changes date, which is the service on the website, so that all information on the website is updated.


This means that other restrictions have been imposed in the Nutzungsbedingungen since this is the case, that the website is also useful: (a) for legal purposes; (b) other additional orders, legal actions are required to ensure this; (c) according to international, federal, provincial or national regulations, rules, regulations or local regulations; (d) um our own personal rights or the other person's own personal rights would be forgotten or otherwise forgotten; (e) aufgrund von Geschlecht, sexueller Orientierung, Religion, ethnischer Zugehörigkeit, Rasse, Alter, nationaler Herkunft oder Behinderung z schikanieren, zu misbrauchen, zu policyigen, zwädigen, zu diffamieren, zu verungglimpfen, zuschüchtern or zu discriminateen; (f) false oder erführende Informationen z übermitteln; (g) Viren oder other Arten von schädlichem Code hochzuladen oder zu übertragen, die die Funktionalität oder den Betrieb des Dienstes oder einer damit verbundenen Website, other Websites oder the Internets beeinträchtigen or beeinträchtigen; (h) about persons concerned Daten von others zu sammeln order zu folgen; (i) Spam, Phishing, Pharmen, Vorwand, Spider, Crawl or Scrape; (j) für obszöne oder unmoralische Zwecke; oder (k) um the security functions of the services or other related websites, other websites oder the Internets are easier to use. If you are concerned about the law, you will benefit from the benefits of the services provided by our partners and the website will be available to you if you wish to use them.


We are very happy with the care we provide, care for our customers, and ensure that our services are safe and secure. We do not guarantee that the experiences, the benefits of the services would be able to be fulfilled, would be safe since. If you understand your own understanding, this means that the Service of the Time will be able to provide you with an undetermined Time and focus on the Service of your time without further information. Please understand that your understanding is clear, because of the usefulness of the benefits of the services you are responsible for as a result. The services and all the products and services that are associated with the service and maintenance are (sofern not dependent on our data) "who are concerned" and "who are concerned" with regard to the usefulness of their work, because of the positive aspects of their work, the quality of their work , with a clear guarantee of still change, guaranteed guarantees under the terms of the market, the quality of the goods, the quality of the goods, the quality of the goods, the quality of life and the protection of rights. In no case, we have to take care of you, our directors, our management staff, your employees, your colleagues, your helpers, your helpers, your helpers, your helpers, your helpers, your helpers, your helpers, your direct, indirect, responsible, punishing, special or folgeschäden jeglicher Art, einschließlich , but don't describe the results, the results, the results, dating, recovery costs or additional damage, unabated data, and the delay, a complete handling (einschließlich Fahrlässigkeit), one due payment for other benefits, which is also due to the benefits of the services provided by the service, or for other benefits, which are related to the benefits of the services provided by the products hang, single, aber Please note that the information provided by the services provided by the contents, the contents of the contents, or the damage caused by art, which are evident from the benefits of the services provided by the contents (or the products), which are more than the service required, or otherwise If you wish to make improvements, you will certainly be able to see if these changes are possible. The fact that in certain states of the Judgmental Barqueiten of the Ausschluss or the Beschränkung der Haftung für Folgeschäden or der zufällige Schäden in these States of the Judgmental Barkeiten is not as yet, there is no further Haftung of the Gerichtzlich such Höchstmaß beschränkt.


You must understand your understanding, knowledge and understanding, management and management, legal services, business partners, partners, management staff, directors, managers, supervisors, supervisors, service leaders, subcontractors, assistants, practitioners and general support staff , a minimum of additional costs, freight costs, travel expenses and damage, the costs associated with the documents and the information received, or the information provided by the documents included. of the Right Thritter.


For the fall, the best immunity for these legal provisions is not justified, but the best immunity is also important, but the legal basis is also the same abstainent, wobei diese Bestimmung die Gültigkeit und Durchsetzbarkeit der übrigen Bestimmungen nicht beührt.


Die Verpflichtungen und Verbindlichkeiten der Parteien, die vor dem Kündigungsdatum entstanden sind, überdauern in jeder Hinsicht die Beendigung dieser Vereinbarung. These useful needs have been developed since they were grown, furnished and so long. Sie

If you wish to use these services, you can also use them to provide additional services, but if you wish to use them, you can set up the website. We would like to take care of the best immunity of our health care providers if we live under suspicion, so if we live in a different way, we can continue to rely on our knowledge and understanding of all the circumstances. The next step is to consider the technical dates of the bar; and/or the care provided may be refused by the customer due to our service (or a specific date).


Unser Versäumnis, a Recht oder a Bestimmung dieser Nutzungsbedingungen auszuüben or durchzusetzen, there are no views on the right of these Bestimmung there. The usefulness of the services and all the guidelines of the business rules, which are evident from our website, which are reflected in the service itself, and the overall benefits of the services are different inbarungen, Mitteilungen und Vorschläge, ob mündlich oder schriftlich, zwischen Ihnen und uns (einschließlich, aber nicht beschränkt auf frühere Versionen der Nutzungsbedingungen). Unklarheiten bei der Auslegung dieser Nutzungsbedingungen since nicht gegen die Verassende Partei auszulegen.


Diese Nutzungsbedingungen und alle separate Vereinbarungen, unter denen wir Ihnen Dienstleistungen erbringen, unterliegen de Gesetzen der Niederlande und were in Übereinstimmung with diesen auslegt.


You can see the current version of the current requirements during your time. We want to ensure that we have the right to do so, after which we will be able to make the necessary changes to it, to modify it or to make changes, in addition to the functions and changes on our website. Es lies in Ihrer Verantwortung, oursere Website Regelmäßig auf Änderungen zu überprüfen. It is important to note that the benefits provided by the website are based on the services provided by the additional requirements of the respective requirements.


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