Data protection regulations


We would like to thank you for your interest on our website and thank you for your interest. I would like to inform you about the care of your personal data regarding the use of our website. Personenbezogene Daten sind all Informationen, mit denen Sie personally identifiziert önnen.

Verantwortlicher für die Datenverarbeitung on dieser Website im Sinne der Datenschutz-Grundverordnung (DSGVO) ist Mecon Fashion. Responsibility for personal data is that natural or legal person, who only have common interests with others regarding the protection and management of personal data and data.

This website is useful for security reasons and the protection of personal data and other personal information (zB Orders or information) and SSL bzw. TLS Verschlüsselung. A different connection is recognized in the Zeichenkette "https://" and the castle symbol in the address list of my browsers.


If you wish to use our website for information purposes, you should not register with us for other information or additional information, and we will use your browser to send a server (so called "Server Log Files"). If you look at our website, you will find the following dates, which you have found for your technical knowledge, and you will find this website:

  • Our visited website
  • Date and time of departure
  • Mix of übertragens Dating in Bytes
  • Quelle/Referenz, von wed auf die Seite komommen bist
  • Spoiler Eater Browser
  • Adapted operating system
  • Verwendete IP-Adresse (ggf. anonymisiert)

The Verarbeitung erolgt gemäß Art. 6 Abs. 1 S. 1 f DSGVO auf Grundlage ourseres berechtigten Interesses an der Besserung der Stabilitätätät and Funktionalität unsererer Website. A more detailed assessment of the future of the dating relationship. If you are aware of the server log files that you will be able to access, we will then be able to ensure that you are able to use them correctly.


You can view your website with attractive features and useful functions that can be used when using cookies. It deals in itself with small texts, which were published in my Gerät. Some of our special cookies are stored at the end of the browser settings after the user's browsers (so-called Session Cookies). Other Cookies are stored on your browser and are also included in your Partner Unternehmen (Third Party Cookies), when you browse the browser when you visit the website (persistent Cookies). Once cookies are set, they can be configured and processed to use information and for browsing and maintenance purposes as well as IP addresses. Persistent Cookies were automatically deleted after a certain period of time, which you can vary depending on the Cookie. Some Cookies serve the purpose of processing the special features of the user interface (such as remembering the content of the contents of the website). Acts independently of our implementation of Cookies on personal data, so follow the implementation of Art. 6 Abs. 1 S. 1 b DSGVO, oder zur Vertragserfüllung, gemäß Art. 6 Abs. 1 lit. f DSGVO zur Wahrung unserer berechtigten Interessen an der bestmöglichen Funktionalitätät of the Website, as well as a useful friendliness and effective Gestaltung of the Seitenbesuchs. The work we do with our working partners will make our lives more interesting and our online input will be more interesting. These two cookies were added to our partner websites when we visited our website (Third Party Cookies). If we work together with our partners, we will inform you individually and individually about the use of individual cookies and the information contained in the following information. Bitte beachten Sie, dass Sie Ihren Browser so jeinstellen können, dass Sie über die Setzen von Cookies informiert wenn de individual über deren Annahme or den Schluss der Annahme von Cookies für bestimmte Fälle oder generell entscheiden können. Your browser recognizes itself in the Art and Weise, who understands the Cookie Settings. These were described in the description of the browsers, in which the explanation was given, which could be different from their cookie settings. Find your next browser Browser below Links: Internet Explorer: Firefox: https://support Chrome: Safari: -nl/guide/safari/sfri11471/mac Opera: Bitte beachten Sie, dass die Funktionalität unserer Website eingeschränkt sein kann, wenn Sie keine Cookies akzeptieren .


Personal data have been added, so we can contact you (see below for a contact form or an e-mail). Since you have had contact forms, you could enter your contact forms. These dates are also related to the information about the answer to my relationship bzw. Contact with each other with the shared technical administration and care. Legal basis for the processing of data is based on legal interest and the answer to the question Art. 6 Abs. 1 lit. f DSGVO. Following the relationship between the two aspects of the abstract and the delays, this is the basis for the legal basis for the processing of art. 6 Abs. 1 lit. b DSGVO. The dates were changed after the abschließenden Bearbeitung Ihrer Anfrage gelöscht; This is the case, if only the environment is able to read it, that the relevant Sachverhalt is clear and clear and there are no legal requirements for protection.



Gemäß Art. 6 Abs. 1 lit. b DSGVO, we are responsible for personal data and work, and we would like to inform you about the delay in processing your work. Although the dates were changed, they could be used to formulate entnehmen. Ihr Kundenkonto can be assessed at this time, indem Sie eine Nachricht an die oben genannte Adresse des für die Verarbeitung Verantwortlichen. We are very careful and spoiled by the care we receive from our customers. After the investigation of the results of the legal process, the legal basis for legal support and commercial law is clear and after the legal basis of the legal process, it will be possible to have further insight into the future I would like to know more about our dating experience for information about who we are in the future.



Subscribe to our Newsletter

We would like to sign up for our newsletter and send regular information for future updates. The individual responsibility for the delivery of the newsletters is your e-mail address. The customer is more willing to date and is spoiled for personal enjoyment. For the Versand des Newsletters verwenden wir das sog. Double-Opt-In-Verfahren. After all, we would like to have a newsletter with our own newsletters, and we will be able to understand our newsletters accordingly. We will then send you a best-e-mail if you wish to receive the newsletter by clicking on the links below.

With the actions of the best interests links, they are willing to participate in the care of their personal interests Daten gemäß Art. 6 Abs. 1 lit. a DSGVO. If you wish to subscribe to the newsletter, we will provide your Internet Service Provider (ISP) with a specified IP address according to the date and the notification time, and you will be able to receive your email address during this time. The data that we received from the newsletter was also included in the information provided by the newsletter. You can view the Newsletter at the same time as the link in the Newsletter for a detailed information and to receive the relevant information. After receiving your subscription, you will receive your E-Mail address without any additional information regarding your newsletters, and you will receive additional information regarding your information ulässige hinaus You will be spoiled for choice, we will inform you about your confirmation.

(6) Versand des Newsletters an Bestandskunden

If you wish to receive your goods or services with your E-Mail address, we will inform you about the right to receive them, which you will receive in our current product range. We are interested in having a happy experience here, so that we can enjoy it. The Datenverarbeitung is followed insoweit ausschließlich auf Grundlage unseres berechtigten Interests and personalization Directed gemäß Art. 6 Abs. 1 lit. f DSGVO. Wenn Sie der Verwendung Ihrer E-Mail-Adresse zu diesem Zweck zunächst widersprochen haben, wer Ihnen keine E-Mails sisterenden. You have access to the right, your useful email address for your current needs during your stay and your future communication. Here are the additional charges for the basic rates calculated. After receiving your email, you will receive your email address without any hassle.


The fact that our personal belongings are dated is the relationship between the relationship and the understanding of the transportation environment, which is also the reason for the love of the true inheritance. We are aware of the health care data in the health care assessment and the better credit institution, regardless of the nature of the care for the health care assessment. Sofern Zahlungsdienstleister eingesetzt were, informieren wir im Folgenden explizit darüber. Legal basis for the Datenübermittlung ist Art. 6 Abs. 1 lit. b DSGVO.

7.2 Einsatz von Zahlungsdienstleistern

Bei der Zahlung per PayPal, Kreditkarte over PayPal, Lastschrift over PayPal oder – sofern angeboten – "Kauf auf Rechnung" or "Ratenzahlung" over PayPal geben wir Ihre Zahlungsdaten im Rahmen der Zahlungsabwicklung an PayPal (Europe) Sarl et Cie, SCA, 22- 24 Boulevard Royal, L-2449 Luxembourg (follow "PayPal") further. Die Übermittlung erolgt gemäß Art. 6 Abs. 1 lit. b DSGVO and now insofar as this is the case for the Zahlungsabwicklung hereditary order.

PayPal is subject to the right to receive payment for credit card via PayPal, Last Order via PayPal or – sofern angeboten – “Buy with receipts” or “Review” via PayPal for a bonus. These two pieces can be used to create new gemäß Art. 6 Abs. 1 lit. f DSGVO on the basis of the legal interests of PayPal and the Feststellung Ihrer Zahlungsfähigkeit. PayPal is useful for the results of the Bonitätsprüfung (hinsight of the statistics) regarding the results of the assessment, so that the results can be obtained from the results. Die Bonitätsauskunft kann Wahrscheinlichkeitswerte (sog. Score-Werte) enthalten. Enthält das ergebnis der Kreditauskunft Scoring-Werte, so beruhen diese auf eenminschaftschaftlich anerkannten mathematical-statistieken Verfahren. Die Berechnung der Bewertungswerte umfasst unter meerm Addressinformationen. More information about data protection, detailed information about your data protection, find out about data protection clearance from PayPal:

You can continue your work during this time and speak more widely, in the meantime you can send an email to PayPal. PayPal can still be judged, if your personal data are processed, it is necessary to ensure that your work is done properly.


Wenn Sie die Zahlungsart "SOFORT" auswählen, follow the Zahlungsabwicklung über the Zahlungsdienstleister SOFORT GmbH, Theresienhöhe 12, 80339 Munich, Deutschland (following instructions as "SOFORT"), and we are responsible for the delivery of additional information with the information zu Ihrer Order gemäß Art. 6 Abs. 1 lit. b DSGVO weitergeben. Die Sofort GmbH ist Teil der Klarna Gruppe (Klarna Bank AB (publ), Sveavägen 46, 11134 Stockholm, Sweden). A new date is due to the fact that the Zahlungsabwicklung mit dem Zahlungsdienstleister SOFORT und nur insoweit, als dies zu diesem Zweck ist datum. More information about the best data protection of SOFORT can be found under the following Internet address:


Eigene Wertschätzungserinnerung (kein Versand durch ein Kundenbewertungssystem). We will provide you with an E-Mail address as a permanent reminder for your purchase of your order for your purchase system, so that you can receive your order from your purchase order Art. 6 Abs. 1 lit. a DSGVO.

If you wish to spend more time in the future, you will be able to send a new review.


9.1 Facebook Plugins with Shariff Solution

Spezielle zuätzliche Zollabiertigungsgebühren und/oder Einfuhrzölle sind nicht im Preis enthalten und lied in der Verantwortung des Kunden.

Our website uses social plugins ("Plugins") from social networks Facebook, which is owned by Facebook Inc., 1 Hacker Way, Menlo Park, CA 94025, USA ("Facebook").

Since we are visiting our website, these buttons cannot be used fully as plugins, without the use of HTML links. The Art of Einbindung is based on the fact that the connection between the Facebook server and the Facebook server is restored. If you click on the button, you can open your new browser window and you can view the Facebook page and interact with the plugins.

That Facebook Inc. With their location in the USA, the US-EU data protection "Privacy Shield" is established, which ensures that data protection levels in the EU are protected.

Information about data security and data protection and data protection on Facebook, including information about the rights and privacy of Facebook:

9.2 Google+ Plugins as Shariff-Lösung

Our website uses social plugins ("Plugins") from social networks Google+, which are used by Google LLC, 1600 Amphitheater Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA ("Google").

Since we are visiting our website, these buttons are not fully functional as plugins, without having to use HTML links in this page. The Art of Einbindung is based on the fact that the connection between the servers of Google+ is repaired with the help of the respective Schaltflächen. If you click on the button, you can open your new browser window and use the Google+ page to interact with the plugins.

Google LLC with its location in the USA is responsible for the US-EU data protection "Privacy Shield", which ensures that data protection levels in the EU are protected.

Information about data security and data protection and data protection through Google in any case regarding data protection and information security by Google: /

9.3 Instagram Plugin as Shariff Solution

Our website contains social plugins ("Plugins") from Instagram Online Services, Instagram LLC, 1601 Willow Rd, Menlo Park, CA 94025, USA ("Instagram").

Since we are visiting our website, these buttons are not yet fully available as plugins, without having to use an HTML link. The Art of Einbindung sicher, dass beim Afruf einer Seite unseres Webauftritts, die solche Schaltflächen enthält, keine Verbindung zur den Servern von Instagram regestellt. With a click on the button you can open a new browser window and you will be able to view the Instagram page, and you can interact with the plugins (ggf. nach Eingabe Ihrer Anmeldedaten).

The Instagram LLC with its presence in the USA is based on the US-EU data protection "Privacy Shield", which ensures that data protection levels in the EU are protected. Information about data protection and information about data protection on Instagram as well as data protection information on Instagram: 88/


10.1 DoubleClick from Google

This website uses the Online Marketing Tool DoubleClick by Google, which is created by Google LLC, 1600 Amphitheater Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA ("DoubleClick").

DoubleClick uses Cookies to ensure that your user information is relevant and that your information about your campaign is improved or that your user information is more relevant. Google uses a Cookie ID, so you can see what information you have in your browser and it can be prevented, so more information can be found. The implementation of the work carried out on the basis of the work carried out is carried out Interests and the optimal management of the business Website gemäß Art. 6 Abs. 1 lit. f DSGVO.

You can also use DoubleClick Cookie IDs to ensure successful conversions in the future. This is the best way to experience the fall, and we will use a Nutzer with a DoubleClick view and view it with our own browser, which will allow you to view the website and view your website. Laut Google enthalten DoubleClick-Cookies don't contain personal information. The basic marketing tools build your browser automatically and directly connect to the Google server. Wir haben keinen Einfluss auf den Umfang und die weitere Verwendung der Daten, die durch den Einsatz dieses Tools durch Google erhoben werden und informieren Sie daher aufgrund unseres Wissens: Durch die Einbindung von DoubleClick erhält Google die Information, dass Sie den entsprechenden Teil unserer Website aufgerufen oder a review of our clicked home. If you have registered a Google service since then, Google can view your information. If you don't use Google, you can register or log in without any problems, because your IP address will be available and delivered.

If you wish to use the following cookies, you can deactivate the tracking options, but you can also deactivate the conversion tracking cookies, in addition to the browser settings, you can also set cookies from the domain /ads are blocked, if these settings are corrected, we will remove the cookies. You can find information about the Internet address about the settings of cookies in the Digital Advertising Alliance and the specific settings for this purpose. You can also set up your browser so that you can inform yourself about the settings of the Cookies and you can receive individual information from the Cookies, and you can also accept the information from the Cookies for the best results. If you accept cookies, you can use the functionalities of the website once again. Google LLC with its location in the USA is under the US-EU Data Protection Regulations "Privacy Shield", which ensures that data protection levels in the EU are protected.

More information about the best protection against data protection by DoubleClick by Google find below the following Internet address:

10.2 Einsatz von Google AdWords Conversion Tracking

This website uses the online website program "Google AdWords" and the profiles of Google AdWords for conversion tracking by Google LLC, 1600 Amphitheater Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA ("Google").

We use Google AdWords, with the help of Werbemitteln (so. Google AdWords) on external websites with our attractive and branded features. An hand from the dates of the Werbekampagne could wer feststellen, who follow the single Werbemaßnahmen. Our soul is such that we would be interested in our website, our website would be more interesting and we would have a fair calculation of our construction costs.

The conversion tracking cookie is set, then you can click on it with an AdWords feed from Google. Cookies are small text dates that are stored on the computer system. These cookies expire after 30 days and do not serve personal identification. If you wish to view the website and the cookie is not available, you can view Google and we will recognize the website and you will be able to view the website later. You can use Google AdWords for other cookies. However, cookies cannot be followed by websites from AdWords. The information collected with the conversion cookies was used to improve conversion statistics for AdWords. The knowledge is known by the Gesamtanzahl.

If you clicked on this review and received a copy of the page with a conversion tracking tag, you will receive it later. You can find some information with your personal identification. If you do not want to use conversion tracking, you can do so without deactivating the conversion tracking cookie from Google. They were not involved in the Conversion Tracking Message process. We set up Google Adwords on the basis of our recommendations. Interests and soul-oriented interests Werbung gemäß Art. 6 Abs. 1 lit. f DSGVO.

Google LLC with its seat in the United States is based on the US-EU data protection system "Privacy Shield", which ensures that data protection levels in the EU are protected.

More information about the data protection protection of Google can be found under the following Internet address:

You can use Cookies for web applications to be activated, even if you prevent them from configuring the Browser Software and configure them below the following link to load and install the Browser Plugin: =The Bitte Beachten Sie, dass Sie bestimmte Funktionen dieser Website möglicherweise nicht oder nur eingeschränkt nuzen können, wenn Sie die Verwendung von Cookies deaktiviert haben.

More information about the best protection against data protection by DoubleClick by Google find below the following Internet address:

10.2 Einsatz von Google AdWords Conversion-TrackingThis website uses the online website program "Google AdWords" and in the context of Google AdWords the Conversion-Tracking der Google LLC, 1600 Amphitheater Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA ("Google"). We use Google AdWords, with the help of Werbemitteln (so. Google AdWords) on external websites with our attractive and branded features. An hand from the dates of the Werbekampagne could wer feststellen, who follow the single Werbemaßnahmen. Our soul is such that we would be interested in our website, our website would be more interesting and we would have a fair calculation of our construction costs. The conversion tracking cookie is set, then you can click on it with an AdWords feed from Google. Cookies are small text data that are stored on the computer system. These cookies expire after 30 days and do not serve personal identification. If you wish to view the website and the cookie is not available, you can view Google and we will recognize the website and you will be able to view the website later. You can use Google AdWords for other cookies. However, cookies cannot be followed by websites from AdWords. The information collected with the conversion cookies was used to improve conversion statistics for AdWords. The knowledge is known by the Gesamtanzahl. If you clicked on this review and received a copy of the page with a conversion tracking tag, you will receive it later. You can find some information with your personal identification. If you do not want to use conversion tracking, you can do so without deactivating the conversion tracking cookie from Google. They were not involved in the Conversion Tracking Message process. We set up Google Adwords on the basis of our recommendations. Interests and soul-oriented interests Werbung gemäß Art. 6 Abs. 1 lit. f DSGVO. Google LLC with its seat in the United States is based on the US-EU data protection system "Privacy Shield", which ensures that data protection levels in the EU are protected. More information about the best data protection mechanisms of Google can be found under the following Internet address: can find Cookies for web browsing activities, in addition to using the following information settings. Follow the link below to download and install the browser plugin: Bite beachten, you can use these functions. The website can be changed without further use, if you wish. Verwendung von Cookies deaktiviert haben.

11) WEB ANALYSIS SERVICE Google (Universal) Analytics

- Google Universal Analytics

This website uses Google Analytics, a Web Analysis Service of Google LLC, 1600 Amphitheater Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA ("Google"). Google Analytics spoils sog. "Cookies" (small text data that are stored on the computer), which are an analysis of the use of the website during their stay. The information received from the Cookie regarding the use of the website (specifically the selected IP addresses) are stored and stored in a Google server in the USA.

This website uses Google Analytics with the help of "_anonymizeIp()", which means that the IP address for which anonymization is provided and a direct personal transaction is made. Diese Erweiterung hat zur Folge, dass Ihre IP-Adresse von Google innerhalb von Mitgliedstaaten der Europäischen Union or in others Vertragsstaaten des Abkommens über de Europäischen Wirtschaftsraum kürzt. Now in the future, the full IP address of a server from Google in the USA will be transferred and deleted. In the future, follow these Verarbeitung gemäß Art. 6 Abs. 1 lit. f DSGVO auf Grundlage unseres berechtigten Interesten en der statisticalen Analyze des Nutzerhaltens zu Optimierungs- und Marketingzwecken.

Google uses this information to make use of the website usage, and reports about the website activities and usage of the website and the Internet usage of services available to them. Those in Google Analytics in the browser with the same IP address are not used with others in Google.

If you can manage the use of cookies, you can also configure the settings in your browser. We are happy to see that you are there, that you are in the future, but not the same funktionen dieser Website full functions can be used. You can access the information provided by the Cookie and the use of the website by dating (incl. the IP address) and Google as well as the use of data by Google, including the following link for the browser plugin. and install:

Alternatively, you can use the Browser Plugin in your browser or mobile browser. You can follow the link below and set an Opt-Out Cookie, which allows you to use Google Analytics on your website without any problem (the Opt-Out Cookie functions now in your browser and your browser). For this Domain, please click here: Deactivate Google Analytics

Google LLC with its location in the USA is based on the US-EU Data Protection Regulations "Privacy Shield", which ensures that data protection levels in the EU are protected.

This website uses Google Analytics for a detailed analysis of the user flow, which follows a user ID. Wenn een Seite zum ersten Mäufgerufen wird, erhält der Benutzer een finius, dauerhafte und anonymisierte ID, die festgelegt auf all Geräten. It is possible to interact with different types of animals and also use different sitting areas. The User ID enthält keine personal Daten und übermittelt diese Daten nicht an Google.

They are able to understand the experience and use of data regarding the benefit of their use with the help of their wider communication. It is important to use Google Analytics when you use your own systems to deactivate them so that you can play in other browsers or use mobile devices.

You will receive a good dose of information about the use of tracking and remarketing services on the website. Sites for a quick look:

12) RETARGETING/REMARKETING/AD RECOMMENDATION Facebook Custom Audience over the Pixel Method

This website contains the "Facebook Pixel" of Facebook Inc., 1 Hacker Way, Menlo Park, CA 94025, USA ("Facebook"). If you are willing to follow the Facebook Pixel with useful results, you can also enjoy Facebook posts or click on them. This means that you will have to optimize the quality of your information and optimize your construction strategies.

Those who have been dating since they are anonymous, could use Facebook for their own personal information in order to be more immune to their data protection rules.

Google AdWords Remarketing

This website uses Google AdWords Remarketing, including information about the website in the Google Search and the Websites it contains. If you set up Google and a Cookie in your browser, it is possible to view these information based on your information.

You can deactivate the settings of cookies for the user experience, and you can also load and install the link that can be used to load and install the browser plug-in. You can find more information about the Digital Advertising Alliance, who can set cookies and configure settings.

If you wish to delete it, Google LLC is now responsible for the US-EU data protection "Privacy Shield" and is now in use in the EU data protection level.


(13.1) The current data protection rights are subject to personal data protection requirements. Rights of the Persons Affected (Auskunfts- und Interventionsrechte), über die wir Sie im Folgenden informierierierierierier: Auskunftsrecht gemäß Art. 15 DSGVO: Insbesondere haben Sie das Recht auf Auskunft über Ihre von our verarbeiteten personsbezogen Daten, die Zwecke der Verarbeitung, die Kategorien der verarbeiteten personsbezogen Daten, die Empfänger oder Kategorien von Empfängern, gegenüber denen Ihre Daten offengellegt or zijn, die planted Spe icherdauer bzw . Kriterien für die Festlegung der Speicherdauer, das Bestehen eines Rechts auf Berichtigung, Löschung, Einschränkung der Verarbeitung, Widerspruch gegen die Verarbeitung und the Rechts auf Widerspruch gegen die Verarbeitung. Die Kriterien für die Festlegung der Speicherdauer, des Besthen eines Rechts auf Berichtigung, Löschung, Einschränkung der Verarbeitung, Widerspruch gegen die Verarbeitung, Beschwerde einer Aufsichtsbehörde, die Herkunft Ihrer Daten, sofern diese nicht beihnen bei our erhoben, das Bestehen eenner automatierten Entscheidungsfindung einschließlich Profiling und ggf. aussagekräftige Informationen über die involvierte Logik und den Umfang und die angestrebten Auswirkungen einer solchen Verarbeitung auf Sie wie Ihr Recht auf Unterrichtung über die Garantien nach Art. 46 DSGVO, wenn Ihre Daten in Drittländer become übermittelt;

Right on Message Gemäß Art. 16 DSGVO: You are entitled to the right to comply with the notification requirements regarding unsuitable data and/or the processing of unsolicited data regarding your data; Right on Löschung gemäß Art. 17 DSGVO: Sie haben das Recht, die Löschung Ihrer zijnzongen Daten zu zijn, wenn die Voraussetzungen des Art. 17 Abs. 1 DSGVO effective since. Dieses Recht isbesondere dann nicht, wenn die Verarbeitung zur Jusübung des Rechts auf freie Meinungsäußerung und Information, zur Efüllung einer Rechtlichen Verpflichtung, ues Gründen des öffentlichen Interests oder zur Geltendmachung, Ausübung oder Verteidigung von Rechtsanspr it is clear that there is an inheritance order; Recht auf Einschränkung der Verarbeitung gemäß Art. 18 DSGVO: You are entitled to the legal basis for the processing of your personal data, so long as your data is correct, you will have to pay more attention to the results of the data processing and the data processing ung der Verarbeitung Ihrer Daten desire , if you have any questions regarding the validity of your application, if you wish to obtain legal advice, you will be able to continue with your current requirements, if you wish to continue with this particular situation. feststeht, ob sere berechtigten Gründe überwiegen; Auskunftsrecht gemäß Art. 19 DSGVO: Haben Sie das Recht auf Berichtigung, Löschung oder Einschränkung der Verarbeitung gegenüber dem Verantwortlichen gemacht, so is the Verantwortliche verpflichtet, all Empfängern, gegenüber den who concerning persons concerned Daten offengelegt, diese Berichtigung oder Löschung der Daten oder Einschränkung der Verarbeitung mzuteilen , as long as it is there, it is also possible to have an unforgettable experience. If you have the right, you will also be informed by this Empfänger. Recht auf Datenübertragbarkeit gemäß Art. 20 DSGVO: You have the right to be responsible for your personal data, which you have to be prepared for, in good structural terms, behavior and machine learning format, so that your technical capabilities are also required; Right on widerruf einer gemäß Art. 7 Abs. 3 DSGVO erteilten Einwilligung: Sie haben das Recht, Ihre Einwilligung in die Datenverarbeitung jederzeit with Wirkung für die Zukunft zu widerrufen. In the case of the widerrufs, we are dealing with data that is unsatisfactory, and therefore further work can be done on a legal basis for the work to be carried out independently. Der Widerruf der Einwilligung berührt nicht die Rechtmäßigkeit der Verarbeitung aufgrund der Einwilligung vor dem Widerruf; Recht auf Beschwerde gemäß Art. 77 DSGVO: If you look at the information regarding the processing of your personal data, the DSGVO will not be affected by the legal consequences of other legal matters, especially in the Mitgliedstaat I hres gewöhnlichen Aufenthalts, Arbeitsplatz oder Ort des mutmaßlichen Verstoßes.


We work with people who are interested in dating their interests, who are responsible for their interests, so that they are entitled to their rights, and who are responsible for their work swear. Wenn Sie von Ihrem Widerspruchsrecht Gebrauch machen, wer die Verarbeitung der respective Daten einstellen. We are careful about the legal aspects of the work, if we have the necessary legal framework for the work to be carried out, the interests, fundamental rights and fundamental freedoms of the law, or the legal development of the law sansprüchen serves. Wenn Ihre personal contacts Daten zum Zwecke eines solchen Marketings verwendet zijn. They can describe their descriptions more widely. Wenn Sie von Ihrem Widerspruchsrecht Gebrauch machen, wer die Verarbeitung der relevant Daten für Zwecke der Direktwerbung einstellen

(14) DAUER DER SPEICHERUNG PERSONENBEZOGENER DATENDie Dauer der Speicherung Personenbezogener Daten sich nach den jeweiligen gesetzlichen Aufbewahrungsfristen (zB Handel- und Steuerrechtliche Aufbewahrungsfristen). After the deadline, these dates have been routinely resolved, so we will not hesitate to contact you for further information regarding the renewal of your contract.